Whats the season of love
If you can't have everythink?
Whats the reason of love
If you can lose everythink?
Whats the meaning of love
It's a crime of anythink.
Whats the meaning of love?
It's grand,it's grand.
How can a culture can forget?
It's plan of yesturday
And you swear it's not a trend.
Does it matter anywayws?
Barely head the top of friend
Like it moves every day
You could shit upon the stairs
You'll be friends (x4).
All the kids have laid it out
And it's back is probably.
Still it's sabtle in my tape
Keep a form of equally.
Now you know it's just the fact.
Where the world is nowadays
And the day is what we learn.
Does the matter anyways?
Verse 2.
Ae'ro ceppelin
Kakoe k chertu vremja ljubvi,
Esli u tebja nichego net?
Kakoj k chertu smysl v ljubvi,
Esli mozhesh' poterjat' vse?
Chto voobsche znachit "ljubov'"?
E'to grandiozno,e'to grandiozno.
Kak kul'tura mozhet chto-to zabyt'?
E'to vcherashnij plan,
I ty kljaneshsja,chto e'to ne v rusle sovremennoj mody,
Znachit li e'to hot' chto-nibud'?
Ne tajas',raskali dokrasna vershok svoego druzhka,
Slovno on dvigaet im kazhdyj den',
Ty mogla by nasrat' prjamo na stupen'ki,
Vy podruzhites' (h4).
Vse deti vystavljali e'to napokaz,
Sudja po vsemu vse povtorjaetsja,
Na zapisi e'to dovol'no trudno razobrat',
Podderzhivaj formu na ravnyh,
Ieper'-to ty znaesh',chto e'to-vsego lish' konstatacija fakta,-
Von tam segodnja nahoditsja ves' mir,
I tot den',kotoryj my vnimatel'no izuchaem,
A est' li v e'tom kakoj-nibud' smysl?
Kuplet 2. |